Conversational AI

Mastering Complex Questions with the Latest Tree-of-Thoughts Prompt Engineering Method

Sung Cho

November 5, 2023


Imagine a future where artificial intelligence (AI) doesn't just respond to your questions but anticipates your needs, almost like an old friend who finishes your sentences. That's the kind of future I envision with the Tree of Thoughts (ToT) method. ToT is a technological advancement that bridges human intuition and AI, enabling Large Language Models (LLMs) to approach complex problems with a finesse that feels almost human.

Dr. Mark van Rijmenam, CSP, once noted, “As AI becomes more advanced, it discerns patterns in data that are elusive even to the keenest human minds.” This insight perfectly captures the essence of ToT – it’s not just about processing data but understanding it in a way that feels deeply personal and intuitive.

In this series, I’m excited to take you on a journey into the heart of prompt engineering, the magic behind evolving LLMs. We’ll explore how ToT not only solves problems but also understands them in a way that often leaves me in awe. I'll share stories from my own experiences, dive into the latest research, and present real-world examples, including some transformative outcomes from client projects I've been involved with.

Four Approaches to Problem-solving

Let's start by looking at the four ways we can solve problems with Large Language Models (LLM).

Source: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG), Google DeepMind, Princeton University

Input-Output Prompting (IO)

Input-Output Prompting (IO) is like asking a direct question and getting a straight answer. This is the most common and standard type of prompting. It's great for simple queries or when you need quick, factual information.

Here's an example:

  • "What's 2 + 2?"

Chain of Thought (CoT)

It's a familiar scene: you're facing a task so complex that you don't know where to start. It's like being in the kitchen, surrounded by ingredients for a grand meal without a recipe to guide you. This is where Chain of Thought (CoT) comes in, not unlike a step-by-step culinary guide, it breaks down the recipe into individual components, transforming an overwhelming task into a sequence of simple steps. Now, why does breaking down a problem work better than standard prompting (IO)? The hypothesis now suggests two possible reasons:

  1. When we give language models a "scratchpad" through CoT prompts, they can tackle problems incrementally, just as a chef marks off ingredients one at a time. This approach allows the AI to work through problems with the same methodical care a master chef takes to craft a perfect dish.

  2. The 'More Time and Effort' principle in CoT is similar to slow-cooking a gourmet meal. By dedicating more time and computing power to each step, language models can simmer over every part of the problem, ensuring no detail is overlooked. This meticulous attention often leads to outcomes that are not just correct but also easier for us to comprehend.

Utilizing CoT prompts is like giving AI a well-organized kitchen and the patience of a seasoned chef. The result? A language model that serves up solutions with clarity and precision, one thoughtful step at a time. This structured approach doesn't just produce more accurate results; it also offers us a window into the model's thought process. Here's an example prompt you can use to try out the method:

  • "Let's approach this question as if solving a multi-step problem. Break down your reasoning into clear, sequential steps, just like how you would solve a complex equation, and provide a step-by-step explanation of your reasoning. Start from the initial question and walk through each step of your thought process, leading up to the final answer. Here's the question:"

Self-consistency with CoT (CoT-SC)

Think of CoT-SC (Self-consistency with Chain of Thought) as walking on a straight path, where you take one step at a time, checking your footing at each step to ensure you're on solid ground. It's a straightforward way to work through a problem, making sure each step is logically sound before moving on to the next. Except this time, it is taking up more computational power from the previous CoT method, because it is exploring multiple "straight paths," or chains of thoughts. In this method, there is a majority vote taking place at the end for the most optimal answer.

Here's an example:

  • "Utilizing the Self-consistency with Chain of Thoughts (CoT-SC) method, three experts with proficient logical reasoning are collaboratively addressing a question. Each expert will elucidate their thought process comprehensively, considering the insights from others and acknowledging any discrepancies. They are encouraged to explore the question from multiple angles and iteratively refine and build upon each other's concepts, attributing credit appropriately. Following the exploration, the experts will engage in a majority vote to select the most coherent and effective chain of thought. This iterative process will persist until a definitive resolution is attained through a collective conclusion, ensuring consistency among the answers. Please structure the entire response in a markdown table format. The inquiry is:"

Tree of Thoughts (ToT)

While CoT-SC keeps you on a straight, logical path, ToT invites a more adventurous exploration of many ideas, much like a group brainstorming session. It extends beyond the popular CoT approach by exploring multiple reasoning paths, and self-evaluating choices for more deliberate (‘System 2’ tree search) decision-making. ToT allows for a more holistic exploration of a problem, considering various outcomes and possibilities, which is particularly useful in planning and strategizing.

Here's an example:

  • "Utilizing the Tree of Thoughts (ToT) method, three experts with proficient logical reasoning are collaboratively tackling a question. Each expert will elucidate their thought process comprehensively, considering the insights from others and acknowledging any discrepancies. They are encouraged to explore the question from multiple angles and iteratively refine and build upon each other's concepts, attributing credit appropriately. This iterative process will persist until a definitive resolution is attained through a collective conclusion. Please structure the entire response in a markdown table format. The inquiry is:"

I will write a whole article here on tips about how to effectively prompt, stay tuned.

Digging Deeper into the Roots: Tree of Thoughts Technique

Do you ever find yourself getting gibberish responses to your well-thought-out prompt? It's a common hiccup. Being clear can be advantageous, but even that can sometimes leave you with results that are far from what you were seeking. The market has responded with a slew of cheat sheets and training courses teaching the art of crafting and utilizing prompts. Additionally, there are now add-ons to generative AI designed to assist you in creating effective prompts. I've ventured through many of these courses and add-ons, only to find that most are still too generic and lack practical insights that move beyond common sense. That's why this new ToT method is such a big deal in the AI community.

The most recent research by Google DeepMind and Princeton University shows that the ToT method boosts the problem-solving success rate of language models, as evidenced by its 74% success rate in the Game of 24, a substantial leap from the 4% achieved by traditional methods. This innovation is pivotal for developing smarter AI that can navigate complex tasks with human-like reasoning, offering clearer insights into AI decision-making processes.


The ToT method makes AI ten times better at solving problems by doing three things:

  1. It comes up with different ideas on how to tackle a problem

  2. It checks its own ideas carefully to see which ones make sense

  3. It uses search techniques to look through all possible solutions in an organized way.


Ways To Implement Tree Of Thoughts For Generative AI

Currently, there are five major approaches to a Tree of Thoughts implementation:

  1. Conventional: Prompting in a conventional generative AI that lacks a specialized ToT capability and performs generically (this is the easiest, presently. see example above).

  2. Add-on: Use a generative AI app that has a ToT add-on and then enter a prompt to invoke the add-on (mainly done by researchers right now).

  3. Revamp: Revamping a conventional generative AI app to include a ToT specialized component and utilize the capability via a prompt (future).

  4. Built-in: Build specialized ToT directly into a generative AI app and invoke the functionality via a prompt (further in the future).

  5. Princeton NLP GitHub Method: Set up a dedicated environment and run scripts within a generative AI framework to leverage ToT for problem-solving tasks, as outlined in the Princeton NLP GitHub repository. (Source)

Implementation Source: Shout out to Lance for his article, as well as Google DeepMind/Princeton.

Three Experts Persona

This is a prompt you can copy and paste for use. Try it out and see if you get a better response than your previous method.

"Utilizing the Tree of Thoughts (ToT) method, three experts with proficient logical reasoning are collaboratively tackling a question. Each expert will elucidate their thought process comprehensively, considering the insights from others and acknowledging any discrepancies. They are encouraged to explore the question from multiple angles and iteratively refine and build upon each other's concepts, attributing credit appropriately. This iterative process will persist until a definitive resolution is attained through a collective conclusion. Please structure the entire response in a markdown table format. The inquiry is:"

Note: The reason why I used three experts is because that was how many the researchers used in their paper. Feel free to get crazy and add in more qualities, specifying each expert's persona and giving them characteristics. I would even suggest adding in "Using layered thinking," to get a more in-depth response. Last but not least, I found that at times, you might need to follow up with a "So, what's the conclusion?"

Case Study

In the ever-shifting landscape of startup ventures, agility is a crucial survival skill. Over time, I've observed that the secret sauce for thriving is a blend of flexibility and sharp, structured thinking. The Tree of Thoughts (ToT) method has emerged as a standout strategy in our toolkit. By breaking down complex business challenges into manageable layers, we've enabled our clients to navigate through the fog of decision-making with clarity and confidence.

Take, for instance, a case study that's particularly telling. Here, the ToT method streamlined decision-making and amplified the company's core promise to its customers. We didn't just throw data and trends at the problem; we approached it with a nuanced, layered analysis, peeling back each layer to reveal the heart of the matter. It's this blend of strategic depth and practical action that transforms insights into outcomes.

Company Description [Client details confidential]

A company in the technology sector specializing in data analytics and cloud services, serving global clients across various industries.

How ToT is being used
  • Strategic Decision Making: Through the ToT method, we provided a comprehensive strategic assessment that enabled the company to navigate the complexities of market entry and technology adoption with greater precision. We ensured that every investment was timed impeccably with market needs, which proved crucial in securing a strong market position and avoiding costly missteps.

  • Integration with Corporate Goals: Our ToT approach integrated the company's mission into every strategic layer, creating a synergy between immediate business objectives and long-term aspirations. This manifested in initiatives that not only drove profitability but also reinforced the company's commitment to sustainability and innovation, aligning with the values of stakeholders and customers alike.

  • Market Insight Generation: Leveraging ToT, we unearthed underlying trends and customer motivations, which enabled us to predict market shifts more accurately and to design highly targeted marketing campaigns. These insights were pivotal in identifying and harnessing new opportunities within existing product lines, effectively enhancing market reach and customer engagement.

  • Risk Assessment Framework: We employed ToT to create a holistic risk assessment protocol that considered a spectrum of potential threats, from cyber security to supply chain disruptions. This proactive stance fortified the company's infrastructure against diverse risks and fostered a culture of preparedness that permeated the entire organization.

  • Operational Streamlining: The ToT method allowed us to pinpoint and resolve inefficiencies within the company's operations. By reengineering key processes and incorporating advanced AI solutions, we dramatically increased efficiency metrics and set new standards for operational excellence within the company.

  • Customer Journey Optimization: Through detailed analysis and optimization of the customer journey using ToT, we redefined customer service standards and personalized customer interactions, significantly enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction. This, in turn, translated into measurable gains in customer loyalty and brand strength.

  • Innovation Roadmap Development: We crafted a forward-looking innovation roadmap guided by the ToT framework, which was instrumental in steering the company towards sustainable growth through innovation. Our approach not only kept the company at the forefront of technological advancement but also established it as a collaborative leader in the industry.

Value Proposition
  • Informed Leadership Decisions: The ToT approach has empowered our leadership with comprehensive insights, enabling them to make strategic decisions that are aligned with market evolutions and future trends. This has led to a heightened strategic success rate and better investment returns.

  • Aligned Strategic Execution: Integrating the company's core values and objectives with every strategic decision through ToT has solidified the company's commitment to its vision. This has yielded a business model that is robust and aligned with the principles of innovation and social responsibility, boosting the company's brand and market valuation.

  • Strategic Market Positioning: Our strategic use of ToT has sharpened the company's market intelligence, allowing for agile responses to market opportunities and establishing the company as a thought leader in customer-centric solutions. This strategic foresight has expanded the company's influence and market share.

  • Mitigated Business Risks: The risk management framework developed with ToT has minimized the company's vulnerabilities, providing stability and reliability that enhance its value proposition in the marketplace. This risk mitigation has been instrumental in maintaining client trust and securing long-term contracts.

  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: ToT has been crucial in streamlining operations, leading to increased efficiency and the ability to scale effectively. The resulting operational agility has improved customer service, allowed for competitive pricing, and increased the company's market competitiveness.

  • Elevated Customer Experiences: Leveraging ToT to refine the customer journey has significantly boosted customer retention and advocacy. This emphasis on customer experience has differentiated the company in the market, contributing to organic growth and a stronger brand reputation.

  • Sustainable Product Innovation: The innovation roadmap, underpinned by ToT, has kept the company at the cutting edge of technology, ensuring that new products meet market needs and are introduced.

Final Thoughts

It is important to point out that even the most refined method is only as effective as the questions it's prompted to answer. Crafting the right prompts is an art in itself—it’s about having the clarity of what you seek to change or achieve. ToT can illuminate the path, but you also need a team moving in lockstep to march along it. It's this synergy between clear intent, methodical thinking, and coordinated execution that turns the gears of progress. Here's a tip: use the CSIF method, be clear on the Context, be Specific, clarify your Intent, and give a preferred Format of the output.

In an upcoming article, I'll dissect the nuances of prompting well and project management—the unsung heroes of operational excellence. Because in the end, it's not just the idea that counts, but the meticulous orchestration behind it that brings the vision to life.