AI In Society

Genesis: The World of Artificial Intelligence

Sung Cho

October 24, 2023

People who learn to collaborate with AI will have a real advantage over the next few years.

A few hundred years ago, not many people in society were encouraged to read or write. Many were busy with outdoor activities like farming or looking after animals, and it seemed okay for only a select few, like high priests and priestesses, to read sacred books during religious gatherings. Luckily, over time, we realized society thrives when more people are literate.

Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is in the hands of the high priests and priestesses. It is mostly controlled by tech giants that create these AI tools, and the rest of us use them. Imagine if, like reading and writing, AI knowledge was spread wider. Learning AI could lead to a richer society, where everyone has a say in shaping the future, not just a select few.

In this article, we'll explore the key concepts of AI, from supervised and unsupervised learning to bias and fairness in AI, to better grasp the immense potential and evolution of this field.

Understanding the Core

AI, at its core, is about creating machines capable of intelligent behavior. It's imparting a resemblance of human intelligence to machines, enabling them to learn from experience, adjust, and perform tasks similar to human beings.

Back to the Basics

1. Learning:

  • Machine Learning (ML): Picture AI as a curious child, constantly learning and evolving. Through ML, it learns from data, much like a child learns from observing the world.

  • Deep Learning (DL): A subset of ML, Deep Learning dives deeper into data analysis, using neural networks with three or more layers. These layers enable a nuanced understanding of complex data.

2. Reasoning: AI machines can solve problems through logical deduction. They can find solutions to complex problems faster and more accurately than human beings.
3. Self-correction: When an AI system makes an error, it learns from it and avoids making the same mistake in the future.
4. Problem-solving: With their ability to analyze vast amounts of data, AI systems can identify patterns and solutions that might go right over the human eye.

The Five AI Concepts

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): This helps computers understand and respond to human language, making interactions with them feel more natural.

  2. Large Language Model (LLM): This is a computer program that learns from lots of text to understand and create human-like text.

  3. Computer Vision: This enables computers to "see" and understand images and videos, much like how we do.

  4. Multimodal Learning: This combines data from different sources like text, images, and sound to help computers understand the world better.

  5. Generative AI: This allows computers to create new content, like writing a story or drawing pictures, based on patterns they've learned from existing data or a written request (prompt).

Machine Learning: The Heartbeat of Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning (ML), is where computers learn from data to get better at doing a specific task, like helping recommend a song you might like.

1. Supervised Learning: Guided Adventures
Picture a young artist learning to paint by following the strokes of a master painter. Supervised Learning is similar to this guided exploration, where algorithms learn from labeled data, knowing the correct answer upfront and improving their predictions over time.

2. Unsupervised Learning: The Art of Discovery
Imagine a group of explorers uncovering hidden trails in a dense forest. Unsupervised Learning is about discovery; it sifts through unlabeled data to find patterns and structures, akin to finding hidden treasures in a data jungle.

3. Reinforcement Learning: The Game of Choices
Think of a chess player strategizing moves to outwit the opponent. Reinforcement Learning is this game of strategy, where algorithms learn by interacting with the environment, making choices, and receiving rewards or penalties based on the outcomes.

The most common type of machine learning is Supervised Learning. Here, the model learns from a dataset with correct answers provided. It's widely used because it's straightforward and effective for many tasks like identifying spam emails or predicting house prices.

The Interface with Humanity

Artificial intelligence is already altering the world and raising important questions for society, the economy, and governance.

- Darrell M. West

AI is not a futuristic concept; It's becoming a common helper in our daily lives.

Healthcare: From diagnostic AI that can identify diseases at an early stage to robotic surgeries, AI is a boon to modern medicine.
Transportation: Autonomous vehicles and smart traffic management systems are paving the way for safer and more efficient roads.
Finance: AI in finance is about smart algorithms that can predict market trends, manage risks, and automate mundane tasks.
Education: Personalized learning experiences, automated grading systems, and AI tutors are transforming the educational landscape.

Ethical Implications

As with any powerful tool, the rise of AI signals a discussion on ethics.

Bias: As the mirror of society, AI can reflect biases present in the data it's fed.
Job Displacement: As AI takes up mundane tasks, the narrative of job loss versus creation unfolds.
Privacy: In its quest for learning, AI’s hunger for data could potentially overshadow privacy concerns.

Nurturing a Healthy Relationship

Understanding and embracing AI doesn’t just enhance our professional landscapes; it broadens our intellectual horizons. A collaborative attitude towards AI, mixed with a dose of curiosity and ethical consideration, can lead to innovative solutions to longstanding problems.

We stand at the cusp of an AI-driven era and it's important to curate a culture of learning and ethical engagement with this transformative technology. The journey of exploring AI is as much about understanding ourselves as it is about understanding machines.

The Road Ahead

As we navigate through uncharted waters, it's important to cultivate a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation. The field of AI is ever-evolving, with new advancements sprouting frequently. Here's how we can stay ahead and make the most of it:

1. Education: Delve into courses, books, and online resources to grasp the basics of AI. Platforms like Coursera, edX, Linkedin Learning, and many universities offer courses on AI and Machine Learning. I will also be posting articles, tips and resources here.
Note: Coursera and Linkedin has many free courses. Just select the "audit" option where you won't receive a certificate.
2. Practical Exposure: Engage in hands-on projects or internships to experience the practical application of AI. There are various open-source projects and platforms like Kaggle where one can practice and learn.
3. Community Engagement: Being part of AI communities can foster learning and provide exposure to real-world problems and solutions. Networking with others in the field can also open doors to opportunities.
4. Ethical Practice: Engaging in ethical discussions surrounding AI ensures that we are part of a community striving for responsible AI development and deployment.
5. Lifelong Learning: The AI landscape is dynamic. A commitment to lifelong learning will not only keep us updated but will also prepare us to contribute positively to this exciting field.

Final Thoughts

Technology as always, is a double-edged sword. Rather than fearing it, why not fully embrace both the advantages and challenges it presents? AI is going to raise the bar for everyone, and if we're not learning how to integrate it into our workplace mindfully, we run the risk of being left behind. It's crucial to understand the importance of integrating AI mindfully and to be aware of the potential consequences of not doing so.

Venturing into AI may seem intimidating, but with structured learning and an open mind, misconceptions about AI begin to dissolve. As we deepen our understanding and engagement with AI, we pave the way for a fruitful collaboration between humans and machines, offering solutions to significant challenges of our times.

AI automates the routine, making room for meaningful work centered around our core human attributes: creativity, vision, and purpose. Like magic, these relentless machines expedite our tasks, providing more room to explore, dream, and innovate.

Generative AI reshapes work, nudging everyone to tap into their inherent human qualities - curiosity, empathy, and boundless imagination, fostering a new reality where our unique human traits are at the heart of our endeavors. It's time to shift from fear to exploring how AI empowers us.